Liposuction and Liposculpting
Liposuction is the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world, for a good reason. It permanently removes fat and tightens the skin at the same time. It is the perfect solution for those who have specific areas of localized fat deposits who have tried unsuccessfully to eliminate them through diet, exercise and weight loss. While the procedure is not designed to correct general obesity, any area where excess fat deposits have accumulated can be treated.
Thus, if a person is willing to have liposuction in all fat areas, a generalized thinning and weight loss can be achieved. Men and women in good physical condition with good skin elasticity are the best candidates for this surgery. Each person seeking this treatment, regardless of age, must be personally assessed by Dr. Lewis to determine if he or she is suitable for liposuction surgery.
Why is Lipsuction / Lipsculpting the Perfect Solution?
The localization of fat deposits is a genetic trait.
Different families will have different “fatty” areas and different times of onset. Why are these genetic fat deposits so difficult to get rid of? How can a person be totally fit and still have love handles, double chins and/or jowls, flabby arms or a pouch (fat in the abdomen)? The answer is that these genetic fat deposits were partly evolutionary. They were developed in the very early “human” (homoerectus) stage. These fat deposits start in human’s third or fourth decade of life and increase with time.
Why and how are they different from other fat?
These fat deposits are specialized fat cells that very efficiently store calories in case of starvation. As early humans had increasing difficulty hunting and gathering with increasing age, those individuals who could store calories during lean times, survived. Now short of starvation, it is almost impossible to get rid of these fat deposits. The larger the number and size of these fat deposits, the greater the health hazard. Presently, it is second only to smoking as a health hazard. It accelerates diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and early death.
Surgical Procedure
Liposuction surgery will be performed in Dr. Lewis’ office. Although it can be done under riskier general anesthesia, local anesthesia is the overwhelming choice. The liposuction area is given local anesthesia and the patient remains sedated but awake. Premedication is administered to help the patient relax.
Dr. Lewis begins by making a small (1/2 inch or less) incision in the skin and inserts a cannula into the fat, which is attached to high pressure vacuum suction. The fat is loosened from the surrounding tissue by moving the tube back and forth and is then removed or vacuumed from the body with the suction device. Dr. Lewis determines the amount of fat to be removed by feeling the skin and pinching the tissue. Dr. Lewis is an artist and does not just “remove fat” but rather sculps the patient. The “artist surgeon” thinks three dimensionally. The two dimensional surgeon thinks about “just taking fat out”. After the incision is closed, a compression dressing is applied to the area to prevent bleeding, reduce swelling, and support the affected
Post Surgery
The compression garment remains in place most of every day for seven to ten days and then at night for four to six weeks. Because liposuction does not involve large incisions and extensive cutting, pain is minimal to moderate and is usually controlled with O.T.C. oral medication. Antibiotics are usually not needed.
Most patients are completely ambulatory immediately following the surgery, but rest is recommended for the initial two to three-day post-operative period. Patients are usually able to return to normal activities within a week although vigorous physical activity is discouraged for several weeks.
Some swelling and discoloration can occur but usually disappear within a month. The small incisions (usually two) fade significantly with time are, for the most part, inconspicuous because they are made within the natural creases of the body.
Complications connected to liposuction are rare. However, they may include:
• an uneven skin surface
• bleeding
• infection
• numbness
• discoloration
Almost all of these conditions correct themselves in time; others respond to medications. There are certain inherent risks connected with every surgical procedure which should be discussed with Dr. Lewis.